
St Alban's Catholic Primary School

Following in the Footsteps of Jesus we love, live and learn together

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Shared Reading Texts:

Shown above are some of the shared reading texts that we will be exploring this half term.  We will be focusing on the quality vocabulary used by a range of authors, each with different writing styles.  Any vocabulary that we like, we will add to our class magpie book to use in our own writing. 


In Year 2, we continue to follow the Read Write Inc. scheme to practise and improve our phonics knowledge.


From Reception through to Year 2 we deliver daily phonics and reading sessions. We stream the classes across KS1 so that the children are grouped according to ability. This means that they are reading at their own level, every day.


Below, you will find the speed sound chart that your child uses in school.  When writing at home, please encourage your child to find the correct grapheme to support their writing. 


These are the words we learn in Year 2 that do not follow the spelling rules we learn. 





In Year 2 we begin learning how to join our handwriting.


