Welcome to Year 5.
Dear Parents / Guardians,
Firstly, we would like to commend the children on a fantastic start to Year 5! They have arrived in to school eager to learn and enthusiastic about the year ahead.
This page will be used to provide information about the Year 5 curriculum, homework and spellings, as well as information about special events. We will also post photographs on Twitter.
If you need to contact us, you can either write in the children's planners or use our class email address - year5@stalbanrc.bham.sch.uk
It is also possible to speak after school once all other children have been dismissed.
Kind regards
Mrs McGovern and Mrs Ferran
Please find below the homework and spelling tab where details of weekly homework can be found.
Reading: Daily reading should be completed. Children have been asked to write their reading (book and pages read) into their own diaries to develop independence before parents sign the children's diaries each day.
TTRockstars: We encourage the children to use TTRockstars to practise their times tables at home, as well as in school. We recommend at least 3 times per week.
Maths: MyMaths is set each week on Friday (except on project weeks). The children are given 1 week to complete the task set.
English: An online is English activity is set by Friday of every week (except project weeks).
Spellings: Children have spelling books where the spellings for the week are added each Monday. They are also assessed on their spellings on a Monday, therefore books must be in school on this day. Spellings are also added to the website a few days before we distribute them if you wish to get a head start.
Project homework: Every 4 weeks children are set a project homework to complete. This is added to their homework books. Their next project will be distributed on Monday 1st November. They have 4 weeks to complete this. On the week that it is set, English and Maths homework is not set.