On this page you will find the homework for each week during the Summer term.
Please remember you should be reading for at least 15 minutes each night. Your planners also need to be signed each day. Golden stamps will be given out once a week, on a Friday, but unfortunately they will not be given out if your planner is not signed.
Friday 25th June 2021
Hello Year 2!
I hope you've enjoyed this week. It's been very busy, with multicultural week, sports day and our D&T day! Have a wonderful weekend and I will see you on Monday, ready for your last full week in Year 2!
Best wishes,
Miss Price
This week we have been looking at measuring mass. I have set your homework task on MyMaths to practise. Don't forget your log in details are stuck in the front of your planner!
I would also like you to practise your times tables on Times Tables Rock Stars. Remember to play in the arena and garage areas, or select the times table you want to work on in the jamming section.
This week I would like you to write a letter to a child in Year 1. What do you think they should know about Year 2? Tell them about some of the things you have enjoyed doing or learning about this year. Maybe you could tell them something that you wish you had known before starting Year 2. Either send a photo of your letter to the year 2 email address, or bring it into school next week.
I would like you to practise spelling some of the year 2 common exception words - these are red words that we use a lot, that don't follow our spelling rules.
Your words for this week are:
Make sure you can both read and spell these words! I will be looking out for them in your writing!
Have a great weekend!
Friday 2nd July 2021
Hello Year 2!
Well done this week. You have all worked very hard completing lots of independent tasks and showing off what you know.
I hope you all have a lovely, relaxing weekend.
Best wishes,
Miss Price
Next week in maths we are starting our final unit - measurement. Over the weekend I would like you to think 'What do you already know about measurement?' What can you measure? What is measurement? What can you use to measure something? How do we use measurement in our every day lives? Write or draw what you know, maybe as a mind map and either send a photo to the year 2 email address, or bring it into school next week.
I would also like you to practise your times tables on Times Tables Rock Stars. Remember to play in the arena and garage areas, or select the times table you want to work on in the jamming section.
I want to know all about your most recent favourite book! Who is the author? What is it about? Why is it your favourite book? Write 3 or 4 sentences telling me all about it and send a photo to the year 2 email address, or bring it into school next week.
I would like you to practise spelling some of the year 2 common exception words - these are red words that we use a lot, that don't follow our spelling rules.
Your words for this week are:
Make sure you can both read and spell these words! I will be looking out for them in your writing!
Have a great weekend!
Friday 25th June 2021
Hello Year 2!
I hope you've enjoyed this week. It's been very special, celebrating the Feast of St Alban and British Science Week. What was your favourite activity?
Have a fantastic weekend!
Best wishes,
Miss Price
This week we have been comparing time. I have set your homework task on MyMaths to practise. Don't forget your log in details are stuck in the front of your planner!
I would also like you to practise your times tables on Times Tables Rock Stars. Remember to play in the arena and garage areas, or select the times table you want to work on in the jamming section.
This week I would like you to think about different types of words. Either email your work to the year 2 email address or bring it to school by Thursday.
Challenge: Write one sentence using a noun, adjectives, a verb AND an adverb.
I would like you to practise spelling some of the year 2 common exception words - these are red words that we use a lot, that don't follow our spelling rules.
Your words for this week are:
Make sure you can both read and spell these words! I will be looking out for them in your writing!
Have a great weekend!
Friday 18th June 2021
Hello Year 2!
I am so proud of you all this week. We had a busy week filming our class assembly as well as getting all our work completed and you all rose to the challenge - well done!
I hope you all have a brilliant weekend. Don't forget to spoil your dad's and grandad's on Sunday for Father's Day!
Best wishes,
Miss Price
We have been learning more about telling the time this week. I have set your homework task on MyMaths to keep practising. Don't forget your log in details are stuck in the front of your planner!
I would also like you to practise your times tables on Times Tables Rock Stars. Remember to play in the arena and garage areas, or select the times table you want to work on in the jamming section.
This week I would like you to think about the different types of punctuation. Play this racing game and select the punctuation needed.
I would like you to practise spelling some of the year 2 common exception words - these are red words that we use a lot, that don't follow our spelling rules.
Your words for this week are:
Make sure you can both read and spell these words! I will be looking out for them in your writing!
Have a great weekend!
Friday 11th June 2021
Hello Year 2!
Welcome back, it sounds like you all had a fabulous half term break, and it's wonderful to see you all back in school.
We've had a busy first week back, with our fun trip to Jasmin Fields yesterday and preparing for our class assembly! We still had time to fit in lots of learning though, and we've become very good at using directions and positional language this week!
I hope you all have a brilliant weekend!
Best wishes,
Miss Price
We have learnt all about turns and directions this week. I have set your homework task on MyMaths to keep practising. Don't forget your log in details are stuck in the front of your planner! Don't worry about the question about right angles - we haven't looked at that yet!
I would also like you to practise your times tables on Times Tables Rock Stars. Remember to play in the arena and garage areas, or select the times table you want to work on in the jamming section.
This week I would like you practise using apostrophes for contractions. Remember when we shorten a word the apostrophe replaces the missing letter. So I will becomes I'll - the w and i are missing so we use an apostrophe. Play this matching game to match the contractions to their longer word pairs.
I would like you to practise spelling some of the year 2 common exception words - these are red words that we use lots that don't follow our spelling rules.
Your words for this week are:
Make sure you can both read and spell these words! I will be looking out for them in your writing!
Have a great weekend!
Friday 28th May 2021
Hello Year 2!
Can you believe you've completed another half term in Year 2?
Well done for all the fantastic work you've completed this half term - it's been a busy one!
I hope you all have an amazing half term holiday and I can't wait to see you the following week for the start of our final half term in Year 2!
Best wishes,
Miss Price
Half Term Homework
We have carried on practising subtraction in our maths meetings this week and started our new unit on measurement in our maths lessons. I have set your homework task on MyMaths to keep practising. Don't forget your log in details are stuck in the front of your planner!
Make sure you practise your times tables on Times Tables Rock Stars. Remember to play in the arena and garage areas, or select the times table you want to work on in the jamming section. Who will be on our leaderboard for most coins earned after half term?
This week we have been thinking about recognising and spelling root words. Your task is to practise this. The activity can be found here. You will need to log in to Oxford Owl first for this link to work.
Please visit https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/ and log in as a student with these details:
user name: stalbansyear2
password: year2
Then come back to this page to click the activity link.
St Alban's 42
Our St Alban's 42 challenge for this half term is to join the local library. Unfortunately, the library were unable to facilitate a class trip due to COVID restrictions.
It would be wonderful if over half term you could visit your local library and find some fabulous books to read. I have included the current opening hours for Druids Heath and Kings Heath libraries below, but please check as these may change. Don't forget to email me some photos to the year 2 emails address!
Druids Heath Library
Kings Heath Library
Have a fantastic half term, and I will see you all on Monday 7th June!
Friday 21st May 2021
Hello Year 2!
We've been busy learning about lots of different things this week, you've written some wonderful non-chronological reports about Whitby and experimented with different techniques to create some fantastic sea pictures.
Have a wonderful weekend and see you all on Monday for our final week of this half term!
Best wishes,
Miss Price
We have been working hard practising subtraction in our maths meetings this week. I have set your homework task on MyMaths to keep practising. Don't forget your log in details are stuck in the front of your planner!
I would also like you to practise your times tables on Times Tables Rock Stars. Remember to play in the arena and garage areas, or select the times table you want to work on in the jamming section.
This week I would like you to go to Small Town Superheroes and click the 'More games' arrows until you find the 'Reading and Understanding' section. Have a go at reading the text and answering the questions.
If you are in my RWI group this week we have been learning about the 'soft c' sound. Remember it makes the same sound as 's'
Follow this link and see if you can select the correct spelling.
If you are in Miss Smith, Miss Knowles or Mrs Rabone's RWI group I would like you to practise spelling words with the split digraph a-e.
Follow this link and see if you can select the correct spelling.
Have a great weekend!
Friday 14th May 2021
¡Hola Year 2!
Muy bien, you've had another very busy week!
I hope you all enjoyed Spanish day learning about Spanish speaking countries, and some new Spanish phrases!
Have a wonderful weekend and I will see you all on Monday.
¡Adios, hasta luego!
Miss Price
I have set your homework task on MyMaths. Don't forget your log in details are stuck in the front of your planner!
I would also like you to practise your times tables on Times Tables Rock Stars. Remember to play in the arena and garage areas, or select the times table you want to work on in the jamming section.
This week we have looked at using commas to separate words in a list. I would like you to go to Small Town Superheroes select 'punctuation', then 'commas'. Can you find where the commas should go?
This week I would like you to practise some red words. Remember, these words don't follow our spelling rules and you just have to learn the tricky parts!
If you are in my RWI group follow this link and see if you can select the correct spelling.
If you are in Miss Smith, Mrs Rabone's or Miss Knowles RWI group follow this link and see if you can select the correct spelling.
Spanish Challenge
Today we have learnt lot's of new Spanish words! Maybe you would like to practise your Spanish and draw a picture of your family, and what you would call them in Spanish. Here is the song we learned to help you! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Smm7csgMoMs
Have a wonderful weekend!
Friday 30th April 2021
Hello Year 2!
We've had another busy week in school learning about the Coastline and you have produced some wonderful writing about Grace Darling. Keep up the great work!
I hope you all have a wonderful bank holiday weekend. See you all on Tuesday!
Best wishes,
Miss Price
I have set your homework task on MyMaths. Don't forget your log in details are stuck in the front of your planner! Don't worry about the last question on the second section - just have a go and we will learn about this in maths lessons soon.
This week I would like you to go to Small Town Superheroes select 'punctuation', then 'question marks'. Can you spot the missing question marks? What type of sentence do you use a question mark in?
If you are in my RWI group I would like you to practise spelling contractions. Remember contractions are when you join two words together. The apostrophe shows where the missing letters were e.g. cannot = can't and it is = it's
Follow this link and see if you can select the correct spelling.
If you are in Miss Smith, Miss Knowles or Mrs Rabone's RWI group I would like you to practise spelling words with the split digraph o-e.
Follow this link and see if you can select the correct spelling.
Have a great weekend!
Friday 23rd April 2021
Hello Year 2!
Welcome back for the summer term - your last term in Year 2, can you believe it?!
Well done for settling back in so quickly after the Easter holidays and continuing to work so hard. We have lots of exciting things planned for this term and I am looking forward to a term full of fun and lots of learning with you all!
Have a wonderful weekend.
Best wishes,
Miss Price
I have set your homework task on MyMaths. Don't forget your log in details are stuck in the front of your planner!
This week I would like you to go to Small Town Superheroes select 'punctuation', then 'capital letters'. Can you spot the missing capital letters? When do we need to use a capital letter? What special words need capital letters at the beginning?
If you are in my RWI group I would like you to practise spelling words that end in 'tion'
Follow this link and see if you can select the correct spelling.
If you are in Miss Smith, Miss Knowles or Mrs Rabone's RWI group I would like you to practise spelling words with the split digraph i-e.
Follow this link and see if you can select the correct spelling.
Have a great weekend!