
St Alban's Catholic Primary School

Following in the Footsteps of Jesus we love, live and learn together

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Autumn 1

Reception enjoyed painting self portraits this half term!

The children in Year One thoroughly enjoyed using compasses to explore our local area. 

Year 1

The children in Year One are looking forward to visiting the baby Jesus in His crib, lighting a candle and saying a prayer of gratitude to show how thankful they are for the His birth. Watch this space...

Year 3

Year 3 enjoyed learning how to do a tie. Although a challenging task, we had patience and determination and succeeded! 

Year 4

Year 4 learnt to sew a button onto a piece of fabric. It took concentration, determination and a little help from our friends but we did it! 

Year 5


Year 5 learnt how to help someone else in an emergency and designed posters to remind other people.

Year 6

Year 6 embraced the challenge to sleep away from home and spent two nights away from their home and families on retreat at Alton Castle. They had a fabulous time completing new - sometimes challenging - activities and spending time in meditation and prayer as they began their preparation to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. 
