
St Alban's Catholic Primary School

Following in the Footsteps of Jesus we love, live and learn together

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Week beginning 10th February 2020 


This week, we have been thinking about forgiveness. We created our own prayer focus' on our tables and then made paper chains. Our paper chains included each of us saying sorry, asking for forgiveness and identifying God's love. 

Week beginning Monday 3rd February 2020 


This week we have been working on tens and ones within a number. We have been representing the numbers using counters and cubes. 

Week beginning 27th January 2020


In class, we have been looking at Paddington's adventures. On Friday, we wrote instructions on how to make one of Paddington's favourite things, Marmalade sandwiches! Then, we followed each others instructions to make them.


Week beginning Monday 9th December 2019 


We are very sorry for the lack of updates from Year 1 but we have been working super hard on our Nativity ready to show you next Wednesday Afternoon!


Tuesday 10th December 2019 

Today we had the pleasure of showing our parents and grandparents our amazing Junk model Dinosaurs at our very own Dinosaur Museum! We made tickets for our visitors before showing them around. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did. 

Week beginning Monday 2nd December 2019 

We would like to thank all the adults that came to our Computing workshop on Wednesday morning, we hope that you found it informative. If you were unable to attend please find the powerpoint attached to the Year 1 documents on our home class page. 



Week beginning Monday 18th November 2019 

Wednesday 20th November 2019 

This week we have been trying really hard with our spellings in RWInc, and have been playing lots of new phonics games. We hope to show you a video next week of our amazing sounding out and spelling routine.

Tuesday 19th November 2019

Today, we went to Birmingham Thinktank Museum . We had an amazing time walking around, we even got to go in the new 'Mini Brum.' We had an exciting Dino Discovery workshop where we learnt about different kinds of dinosaurs and got to see a real life T-Rex tooth! 

Week beginning Monday 11th November 2019


This week in maths we have been looking at the part, part whole diagram. We have been using it to 'pull apart' numbers to find the tens and ones. We have also been investigating number bonds to different teen numbers.


How many different equations can you find with the answer 14?

We have had some fantastic reading and writing during RWInc lessons this week!
