
St Alban's Catholic Primary School

Following in the Footsteps of Jesus we love, live and learn together

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In Year 6, the children will have the following homework to complete on a weekly basis. This homework will increase as we prepare for SATs in May. All homework will be set and due in on a Friday. 


Maths: Please complete the assigned workout from the CGP ten minute workout book. Please set a timer and complete as many of the questions as possible in the allotted time. 


Reading comprehension: Please complete the assigned workout from the CGP ten minute workout book. Please set a timer and complete as many of the questions as possible in the allotted time. 


Spellings: The children will have 10 spellings to practice each week, 8 from our spelling programme and 2 from the Year 5/6 statutory spellings. These will be in their yellow spelling books but will also be added to the website each week. 


Daily reading: It is an expectation that the children read daily in Year 6. The children need to record what they have read and any words they are unsure of in their planners. Planners are checked weekly on a Friday and children who have read everyday will be rewarded. 
