
St Alban's Catholic Primary School

Following in the Footsteps of Jesus we love, live and learn together

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Please read with your child for 15 minutes a day. It is important they read the home reading books provided repeatedly to promote fluency, pace and expression. We shall also send home the RWI sound sheets for the sounds taught in class this week. It is important for your child to first recognise the 'special friends' and then Fred talk the words. Once they are confident with that, ask them to Fred in head and say the word.  


We call the 2/3 letters that play nicely together to make a sound 'special friends.' For example, the a and y play nicely together to make the sound ay. We Fred talk the word 'play' by saying each sound individually, then reading the whole word (p-l-ay - play). 


The children have been given a 'Maths Homework Book' and a 'Spelling Book.' Please complete the first activity in their Maths Homework Book and practise their spellings for Thursday. 


Please use this link to NUMBOTS to practise mathematical skills.


Kind regards, 

Mrs Darbinson



Reading Book Speedy Words
