
St Alban's Catholic Primary School

Following in the Footsteps of Jesus we love, live and learn together

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School Closure

Good morning Year Two! 


Our last week of term. This is the time when I am feeling really sad because my class move up to Year Three without me, but not this year! I am absolutely delighted to be teaching each and every one of you again in September. I feel so privileged!!! 


This week you will be completing transition activities. I know lots about you already but Miss Doherty would love to know you all too. So if you could take photographs of your work and email them to me, I can then forward them to Miss Doherty. This will make her extremely happy!


We also have Sports Day where you are able to take part in the comfort of your own home/garden. Please see planning for details. 


On Friday we have our last Year Two Zoom meeting, I look forward to seeing you all and wishing you a happy summer holiday. 


I would like to express my gratitude to all the wonderful parents who have continued relentlessly to support and educate their children at home. You have played such a vital role in your child's education this year and I am extremely grateful for all you have done.


Have a great last week of term, take care and stay safe.

Mrs McLynn



Please join 'Twinkl' it is free at the moment and has fantastic resources.



If you are in Mrs Drury's, Miss Smith's or Mr Griffin's RML groups, please refer to Year One RML sounds and English resources.





Don't forget you can find lots of brilliant reading resources on Oxford Owl.

User name: StAlbanY22020

Password: Y22020

I am looking forward to hearing from you so please email me any messages or photos.


Explain Coronavirus with this Child Friendly Book

A beautiful child friendly story about staying home and staying safe to share with your child

Robin Hood Multi Academy Trust

Topic - Summer Term

Land Ahoy!

Topic - Spring Term

Street Detectives

Week 14
Monday 13th July
Tuesday 14th July
Wednesday 15th July
Thursday 16th July
Friday 17th July
Week 13
Monday 6th July
Tuesday 7th July
See CGP books
Wednesday 8th July
Thursday 9th July
Friday 10th July
Week 12
Monday 29th June
Tuesday 30th June
Wednesday 1st July
Thursday 2nd July
Friday 3rd July
Week 11
Monday 22nd June
Tuesday 23rd June
Wednesday 24th June
Thursday 25th June
Friday 26th June
Week 10
Monday 15th June
Tuesday 16th June
Wednesday 17th June
Thursday 18th June
Friday 19th June
Week 9
Monday 8th June
Tuesday 9th June
Wednesday 10th June
Thursday 11th June
Friday 12th June
Week 8
Monday 1st June
Tuesday 2nd June
Wednesday 3rd June
Thursday 4th June
Friday 5th June
Week 7
Monday 18th May
Tuesday 19th May
Wednesday 20th May
Thursday 21st May
Friday 22nd May
Week 6
Monday 11th May
Tuesday 12th May
Wednesday 13th May
Thursday 14th May
Friday 15th May
Week 5


Still image for this video
Monday 4th May
Tuesday 5th May 
Wednesday 6th May
Thursday 7th May

Friday 8th May


Have fun celebrating V.E Day with your families!

Use the link below to access many resources.


You can also join others celebrating V.E Day safely from your own home or garden during lockdown.



Week 4

Mrs McLynn's Message

Still image for this video
Monday 27th April 
Tuesday 28th April
Wednesday 29th April
Thursday 30th April 
Friday 1st May
Week 3 
Monday 20th April 2020
Tuesday 21st April 2020
Wednesday 22nd April 2020
Thursday 23rd April 2020
Friday 24th April 2020
Week 2    
Monday 30th March 2020 
Tuesday 31st March 2020
Wenesday's Resources
Thursday's Resources
Friday's Resources