Exciting News !!!
Are We There Yet?
Our new topic is 'Are We There Yet? 'Are you ready for an adventure? Where in the world could we go? How could we travel there? It’s time to discover transport, travel and places near and far!
This half term, we’ll go on a fantastic journey and see how many forms of transport we can use, taking photographs as we go. Back in the classroom, we’ll put our photographs in chronological order and add captions. Thinking about the transport we’ve taken to go on holiday, we’ll use maps to consider where we’d like to visit next. What should we pack? We’ll draw and write about imaginary journeys and make predictions about how many vehicles we will find around school.
As part of our music work, we’ll accompany stories and songs about transport with music and movement. How far can inflated balloons travel? We’ll play with them to find out. In our science lessons, we’ll learn about floating and sinking by building miniature boats, and find out about friction by rolling cars down ramps. We’ll also talk with a crossing supervisor about road safety, learn about high-visibility clothing and design an incredible imaginary vehicle using a computer program.
At the end of the project, we’ll invite you to take part in a travel and transport activity morning. We’ll display our super vehicles, answer questions about them, and create passports to document our travels.
Help your child prepare for their project:
Transport is terrific! Why not explore your local neighbourhood together and take photos of exciting vehicles? You could also keep a tally of the different types of transport that pass your front window within a certain time. Alternatively, pick some brochures up from a local travel agency – where would you both like to visit and how would you get there?