
St Alban's Catholic Primary School

Following in the Footsteps of Jesus we love, live and learn together

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Day of Action 2024

St Alban's Day of Action 2024 



Welcome a Stranger

"I was a stranger and you welcomed me" - Matthew 25:35


On Thursday 11th April 2024, our Day of Action focused on the Catholic Social Teaching Principles of Solidarity and Option for the Poor. Everyone is welcome at St Alban's.



Years 5 & 6 wrote messages of welcome on orange ribbon and tied them to the fence to show solidarity. 

Throughout the day, pupils learnt about the journeys of asylum seekers and refugees and shared their thoughts and compassion through prayer, art work and writing. 

Stories of Hope and Home 


Steph and Tesfay from Stories of Hope and Home returned to St Alban's and further deepened the children's understanding of the journey taken by refugees and asylum seekers, and the importance of welcoming a stranger. 

To end the day, our whole school family came together to showcase the work that the children completed for our Day of Action. Our special visitors, Steph and Tesfay from Stories of Hope and Home, and Barbara and Denise from Birmingham School of Sanctuary came to celebrate with us.
