Hello Year 6!
On this page you will find a short reading task, a short reading comprehension, a grammar task and an arithmetic quiz. Have a go at the tasks, then check your answers. Make a note of anything you find challenging and let me know.
You do not need to print the work, you can complete the tasks on a device or write your answers on paper.
You have your Times Tables Rockstars log-in in your planner. Log on and spend 10 minutes practising your times table and division knowledge.
Take some time today to DEAR (drop everything and read) - maybe in an unusual place in your house. Send me a photo of you doing so!
Try to do something active today too! Maybe join in with an online movement break like this Sonic fitness run!
You may also like to use this website - ixl maths - to practise areas of maths you find challenging. There are questions you can work through with examples.
I've also uploaded the Year 5/6 spelling list, you could choose some challenging words to practise today.
And of course, send me some photos of yourself having fun in the snow!
Have a lovely weekend and I will see you on Monday.
Best wishes,
Miss Price