
St Alban's Catholic Primary School

Following in the Footsteps of Jesus we love, live and learn together

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Miss Hung's Art Activities

Brilliant happy face from SM in Year 3

Amazing Art work by ES in Year 5 inspired by Edvard Munch!

Edvard Munch Activity

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As you know, Edvard Munch is famous for creating 'The Scream'. Have a go at this activity to create your own facial expression!

Interesting fact of the day: Edvard Munch is well known for his famous piece of art, 'The Scream'. Did you know he created four different versions of 'The Scream'? Two were used with pastels and two were paintings!

Quote of the day

Nature Art Activity

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If you love Art as much as I do, then have a go at joining in with these fun Art activities. I will show you the steps I take in order to complete my artwork. You can also send any pieces of your work to your class teacher and it will be shared on the school website in the Art Gallery.