Effective communication is at the heart of an effective school. We cannot stress how important it is for us all to be able to communicate in an open, honest but respectful and non-threatening manner. We all have a shared, common purpose – ensuring the very best for every pupil. We communicate with parents through planners, the school app, the website and the weekly newsletter.
A senior member of staff will be on duty on a daily basis from 8:45am to 9:00am and again from 3:10pm to 3:20pm. Our school family support worker (Mrs Doherty) is also available at the both the beginning and end of the school day from Tuesday-Friday.
At times during the year you may have specific queries you wish to discuss with school. For the majority of occasions these will be most effectively dealt with by talking to your child’s class teacher. Please contact your child’s class teacher directly to arrange a convenient appointment. There may be occasions however where you wish to talk to a senior teacher. Mrs Donnellan is the phase leader for EYFS/KS1 - Reception, Y1 and Y2. Miss Ingram is the phase leader for KS2 - Y3,Y4, Y5 and Y6. Below is a table of the senior teacher most effectively placed to deal with your query.
Having spoken to a senior teacher please arrange an appointment to see Mrs McKinney, Headteacher if you wish to discuss your query further. Thank you.
The school’s curriculum/ quality of teaching - EYFS/KS1 Mrs Donnellan, KS2 Miss Ingram |
Query relating to special needs/ an intervention programme - Mr Griffin |
Queries relating to behaviour - Mrs Donnellan |
A safeguarding concern, including child protection issues - Mrs McKinney |
My child's well being and happiness - EYFS/KS1 - Mrs Donnellan, KS2 - Miss Ingram |
Equality Statement
Our School Commitment
The Equality Act 2010 requires us to publish information that demonstrates that we have due regard for the need to:
At St Alban’s School, in line with our Catholic ethos:
As part of this we will: