
St Alban's Catholic Primary School

Following in the Footsteps of Jesus we love, live and learn together

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Please read with your child for 15 minutes a day. It is important they read the home reading books provided repeatedly to promote fluency, pace and expression. We shall also send home the RWI sound sheets for the sounds taught in class this week. It is important for your child to first recognise the 'special friends' and then Fred talk the words. Once they are confident with that, ask them to Fred in head and say the word.  


We call the 2/3 letters that play nicely together to make a sound 'special friends.' For example, the a and y play nicely together to make the sound ay. We Fred talk the word 'play' by saying each sound individually, then reading the whole word (p-l-ay - play). 


It is also important for your child to practise counting and recognising numbers to 20.  The children have been learning to find 1 greater than and 1 less than numbers within 10. 


Please use this link to NUMBOTS to practise mathematical skills.



I have a copy of your child's NUMBOTS password if it has been lost.  


Please see the 'Speed Sound Practice' sheets below: 

Parent video: Why read to your child?

Uploaded by Ruth Miskin Training on 2019-09-12.

Parent video: How to say the sounds

Uploaded by Ruth Miskin Training on 2020-01-20.

One Syllable Words | Phonics for Kids - Learn To Read | Alphablocks

Learning one syllable words with 'next steps' (at the 'red' level). The Alphablocks are 26 living letters who discover that whenever they hold hands and make a word, something magical happens. Alphablocks is the hit CBeebies TV show helping children learn to read. --- Subscribe for more Alphablocks Content As seen on CBeebies!

Alphablocks - Letter Blending! | Set 2 | Compatible with Read, Write Inc.


We have changed the way in which we send home our class spellings for the following term. The children have been given a table with weekly spellings. The columns are dated to indicate which spellings need to be practised for the following week. The front of the book can be used to practise given spellings. The children are asked to return their spelling book the following Friday. Your child's ability to spell practised words will be assessed. If you wish to see how well your child has done, their assessment results will be recorded on the table of spellings. Please see the clip below for ideas on how to support your child. 

Parent video: Spelling

Uploaded by Ruth Miskin Training on 2020-03-21.
