
St Alban's Catholic Primary School

Following in the Footsteps of Jesus we love, live and learn together

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We would like you to prepare for Easter at home by selecting activities to complete for Holy Week.



  • Enjoy watching Mass online with your family.
  • Make an Easter cards for your family and neighbours.
  • Plan a prayer service using the four parts: gather, listen, respond and go forth (listen or sing a hymn, read the bible, share prayer intentions and leave with a mission to do God’s work). You could set a prayer focus using a cross, candle, bible and a cloth.
  • Watch, to remind you about the events of Holy Week.
  • Create a story book to share with KS1 about the events of Holy Week, use pictures and simple descriptions.
  • Create an Easter word search for a family member to complete using all the words linked to Holy Week.
  • Write an examination of Conscience, to say sorry for the times you have made wrong choices.
  • Design an Easter poster for Easter Sunday celebrating the      resurrection of Jesus and put it in your window to share the  Easter message,  Jesus has risen! Alleluia!




