
St Alban's Catholic Primary School

Following in the Footsteps of Jesus we love, live and learn together

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Dear Children, 


Welcome to your homework page. 


We will set Maths and English homework every Friday and it needs to be completed by the following Friday.   Spellings will be set every Wednesday and you will complete your spelling test the following Wednesday in the back of your home/school spelling book.  Please remember to bring your spelling book in to school every Wednesday.  


Please remember to read at home daily and practise your times tables using TTRockstars. 


If you need any support please email or speak to Mrs Jones or Miss Doherty.

  Friday 16th June 2022


 Spellings will not be set this week due to the sacrament of First Holy Communion.





I Belong


Please complete Chapter 7 (Liturgy of the Eucharist) of your I Belong book. Mrs Jones would like you to bring it in on the first day back so you can continue to work in it regularly at school. 







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