
St Alban's Catholic Primary School

Following in the Footsteps of Jesus we love, live and learn together

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We aim to provide many opportunities where pupils can listen to stories/texts or read independently in a quiet and reflective environment. We have a bank of stories, poems and other texts which are not only used as a stimulus or link within lessons but are used to discuss feelings, familiar situations, different cultures, current issues or read just for fun. Every class has their own class reading areas.


Teachers select class readers, for pleasure, to excite and engage the children and to expose them to new and varied vocabulary. All books shared with the children are age appropriate and continually updated as new resources are available or recommended. We have an overview of key texts covered across the school but recognise that teachers and pupils in different year groups will have personal preferences which can be just as inspiring to share.


We know that some pupils prefer to read in a peaceful setting so we aim to build in times where this can happen, called DEAR time (Drop Everything and Read). In addition, pupils have the opportunity to use our school library or Reading Gazebo for quiet reading. 
