
St Alban's Catholic Primary School

Following in the Footsteps of Jesus we love, live and learn together

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Year One

Hello and welcome to Year One’s class page!


Here, you will find information about the Year One curriculum, recent and upcoming events, homework tasks and other useful information.

Y1 Suggested Remote Learning Timetable

Dinosaur Planet

This half term, we will look closely at ancient fossils and study reptiles to understand how dinosaurs may have lived and eventually died out. We’ll learn about the great fossil hunter, Mary Anning, and follow in her footsteps, studying dinosaur teeth and bones to find out what dinosaurs liked to eat. Learning dinosaur names, creating puzzling riddles, writing fantastic fact files and creating exciting dinosaur stories are some of the other activities we’ll be involved in this half term. We’ll also use our artistic skills to make model dinosaurs and to design dinosaur landscapes.

Our Dinosaur Museum

Please find above the knowledge organiser for our topic this term 'Dinosaur Planet.' I have also sent this home in the children's planners for you to know what we are learning about and discuss at home.  


Please find below some links to different websites to help.

Mary Anning: Fossil Hunter | Science for Kids

Everybody loves dinosaurs, and we wouldn't know nearly as much as we do if it weren't for a person named Mary Anning. ---------- Love SciShow Kids and want t...

How do dinosaur fossils form? | Natural History Museum

Watch our animation to find out how fossils form and why dinosaur fossils are rare compared to those of marine animals. Explore fossilisation in more detail:...
