
St Alban's Catholic Primary School

Following in the Footsteps of Jesus we love, live and learn together

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School Closure

Lost and Found (Trailer)

Trailer for Studio AKA's new short Film "Lost and Found," directed by Philip Hunt. This 25-minute animated film is an adaptation of Oliver Jeffers award winn...

Lost and Found By Oliver Jeffers

Lost and Found is a story about friendship that will please children and grown-ups alike. I am a huge Oliver Jeffers' fan. His unique style make all of his s...

Hello all, 

There are a lot of video clips shared on our Video Resource Centre (VRC). Some of the clips are directly linked to the learning activities shared on our School Closure Timetable. There are other clips that are there for enjoyment. For example, 'The Very Busy Firefly' by Eric Carle is a story I shared after I had found it in my special story box and's a beautiful book.  


There is also a story book called 'Spider'...just in case anyone is scared of spiders!!!


For Subtraction this week I have shared:

Subtraction Bus (Cuddly Toys - Introduction to Subtraction - Additional Support)

Subtraction Bus 2 (Additional Support)

The Very Busy Spider - Subtraction (Linked to School Closure Timetable)

The Very Bus Spider  - Double/Not Double  (Linked to School Closure Timetable)


There are some PowerPoints available too...just in case you want to learn a little more about spiders. 


Please do not feel compelled to complete all that is shared. My intention is provide a bank of resources for you to use at your convenience discretion. Thank you very much for your support. 

Please see ' Time to Talk ' & 'WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE' in the Video Resource Centre (click children's tab - VRC) If you want to, share your learning...a picture or sentence would be great! 

Youtube clip also available:


Mrs Darbinson's 'WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE' PowerPoints with audio are accessible on Summer 1 Week 3. 




Please see ' Time to Talk ' & 'WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE' in the Video Resource Centre (click children's tab - VRC) If you want to, share your learning...a picture or sentence would be great! 

Youtube clip also available:


Mrs Darbinson's 'WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE' PowerPoints with audio are accessible on Summer 1 Week 2. 


The story time activity has three parts - please click on the speaker to listen to the story and the 'time to talk' prompts. 

Please find your free Twinkl Home Learning Pack for EYFS:

