Hello Year 1,
We have one last full week together before the 6 weeks holiday. You all performed amazingly on sports day and I am so proud of how all of you did.
Practise your 10x and 2x tables.
Write an end of year prayer thanking God for our year in Year 1 together. You may want to decorate around your prayer. Please bring this is to share with the class during our weekly collective worship on Thursday afternoon.
Please continue to read every day for at least 15 minutes.
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Smith
Friday 2nd July 2021
Hello Year 1, I hope you have enjoyed your week in school and enjoyed going over to Cocks Moors Leisure Centre for our splash session yesterday.
For your maths homework this week, please work through NumBots. If you have lots your login details please email me and I will send them to you.
Please continue to read at home for at least 15 minutes every day. Try and discuss the characters and plot of the story. Maybe you can predict what you think is going to happen before the end of the story.
Please practise spelling the days of the week.
Go on a flower hunt in your garden or local park and see what flowers you can find! Can you name any of the flowers you find?
I hope you have a lovely weekend with your family.
Kind regards,
Miss Smith
Friday 25th June 2021
Hello Year 1, I hope you have enjoyed science week in school.
For your home work this week, please see each section below.
This week, we have started to look at identifying coins and notes. Over the next week, I would like you to continue doing this at home. Maybe you can create your very own little shop, you could do some coin rubbings, you might help Mommy and Daddy do the shopping.
Please practise the following spellings at home.
Please continue to make sure you are reading every day for at least 15 minutes. Can you write a book review on a book you are reading at home? Write down what you liked, disliked, the plot of the story and who you would recommend reading the story.
I hope you have a lovely weekend,
Miss Smith
Friday 18th June 2021
Good afternoon Year 1,
I hope you have enjoyed this week in school it has been a very busy one!
For maths this week, please log on to your Numbots account. If you have lost your account details please email me on Year1@stalbanrc.bham.sch.uk and I will forward you your username and password.
Please continue to read every evening for at least 15 minutes.
Over the last few weeks, we have been learning about life in the 1950's. We have looked at houses in the 1950's and how they might be different to ours today. I want you to create a model of a house either in the 1950's or a modern day house. You can use cardboard, lego, building bricks or any other materials you wish to use. Make sure you send me a picture of your incredible structure, so I can share it on twitter!
I hope you have a lovely weekend,
Miss Smith
Friday 11th June 2021
Good evening Year 1,
I hope you have had a lovely first week of your last half term in Year 1. Next week we will be doing our phonics screening check in school.
This weekend, please continue to work through the phonics booklet that was sent home and you may wish to play a few games on Phonics Bloom or Phonics Play.
Please continue to practise your number bonds to 20 and play the place value game on top marks. Maths games
Find words that end in er, ed and ing and use them in a sentence. You can either orally create them or write them down. You may wish to bring these in to school so I can see them and you will receive a sticker for your hard work.
I have you have a lovely weekend,
Miss Smith
Friday 28th May 2021
I hope you have all enjoyed this term. I am so looking forward to our last half term together in Year 1.
I have sent home a pack of cards, 0 - 50. Please work through the activities on the front of this pack over half term.
Please continue to work through the phonics pack sent home. Today, we made our own phonics cards to take home, please go through these a couple of times throughout the week.
Please continue to work on the words for numbers to 20.
I hope you have a fantastic week and I will see you for our final half term of Year 1.
Kind regards,
Miss Smith
Friday 21st May 2021
Good afternoon Year 1,
I hope you have enjoyed your week. Next week, we are going on a little trip to the allotments. On Tuesday 25th May, please make sure that you wear your PE kit and weather appropriate clothing. We will be learning after lunch and be back before the end of the day.
For your homework this week, Please see the MyMaths website for your maths homework.
Please practise the following red words for your spellings.
Please continue to work through the phonics booklet. I have sent home an additional sheet in planners today.
I hope you have a lovely weekend,
Kind regards,
Miss Smith
Friday 14th May 2021
Hello Year 1,
For your maths homework this week, create your own number cards to 50 and order them. For an extra challenge, pick 5 cards and try to sequence them in order.
Please continue to work through the phonics pack sent home. If you have identified any sounds that your child is struggling with and would like more resources please email me at Year1@stalbanrc.bham.sch.uk.
Please practice the following numbers in words.
11 - eleven
12- twelve
13 - thirteen
14 - fourteen
15 - fifteen
16 - sixteen
17 - seventeen
18 - eighteen
19 - nineteen
20 - twenty.
Good afternoon Year 1,
I hope you have enjoyed your week in school, it has been quite strange and busy! On Tuesday, we spent the whole day writing about one of new books 'Lost in the Toy Museum.' On Wednesday, we spent the day learning about Pablo Picasso and created a piece of art inspired by Picasso.
For homework this week, I have sent home your weekly spellings in your planner. For phonics, please continue to work through the phonics pack sent home, if you would like some extra practise please go on to the phonicsplay website.
For maths homework, please continue to practise your number bonds to 20. I have sent home a worksheet with bar models on for number bonds within 20. This works exactly the same way as a part, part whole model.
I hope you have a lovely weekend.
Miss Smith
Hello Year 1,
I hope you have enjoyed your week in school. This week in maths, we have been counting in 2's, 5's and 10's. For your Maths homework, I would like you to continue to practise this whilst representing these numbers too. I want you to get as creative as you can to show me your counting, you may wish to use pasta or toys or even get outside.
I have sent home a look, cover, write, check worksheet in your planner.
Please see the App message sent out this morning and work through the pack sent home.
I hope you have a lovely long weekend with your families.
Kind regards,
Miss Smith
Friday 23rd April 2021
Hello Year 1,
I hope you have enjoyed your week back at school. We have had lots of fun this week, we took part in a gymnastics lesson in PE, we went outside to look at capacity and volume in maths and we even received a letter from the Queen!
For you homework this week please see each section below.
I have sent home a worksheet for you to practise your number bonds to 20. In class we have been using cubes to us find the missing number in the part whole diagram. You may wish to use 20 objects to help you complete this.
Please make sure you are reading every day for at least 15 minutes. Please look at the phonics sheet sent home this weekend.
For your spellings this week please practice writing your numbers to 20 in words.
I hope you have a lovely and restful weekend,
Kind regards,
Miss Smith
Thursday 1st April
Good afternoon Year 1,
I hope you have enjoyed your last week in school before we break up for Easter.
Over the next 2 weeks, please make sure you have a look at our new knowledge organiser for our topic 'Childhood' that starts after half term.
Over Easter, I would like you to start to create your family tree. Find out about different family members and create your own family tree poster to bring in after half term.
Please make sure you are reading your books or a book from home every evening for at least 15 minutes. I have sent home a phonics sheet in your planner on certain sounds you have been learning this week in RWInc.
I have sent home a look, cover, write, check sheet in your planner for your spellings this week.
Please access the NumBots website. These details were sent home a few weeks ago but if you can not find them please email me on year1@stalbanrc.bham.sch.uk.
Homework 19.03.2021
Hello Year 1,
I hope you have all enjoyed your week at school.
Please remember to read a book from school or home every evening and get someone from home to sign your planner to say you have read.
I have given you all a look, cover, write, check sheet to practise your spellings over the next week.
I have sent home a sheet for you to read through. Once you have read the words, colour in the word you think are real words and explain to someone from home what you think it means.
For Maths homework this week, please practise your number bonds to 10 and 20.
I hope you have a lovely weekend,
Miss Smith
Homework 12.03.2021
Hello Year 1,
I hope you have enjoyed your first full week back at school after lockdown. We have started our Read Write Inc groups again, walked for 'Walk for Water', learnt about St Patrick and even did some Irish Dancing!
Please make sure that your planners are signed every evening to say that you have read at home for at least 15 minutes. Unfortunately, 'Golden Stamps' will not be given out if they are not signed every day. Golden stamps will be given out once a week, on a Friday.
For this week's homework please see the links below.
I have sent home a look, cover, write, check sheet with this week's spellings.
I have sent home your NumBots Login, please access the website over the weekend to play.
Please play the following game
Christmas week
Hello Year 1, I hope you have enjoyed your week in school and a massive thank you for all your lovely gifts and cards.
For your homework over Christmas I would like you to look at the new knowledge organiser for our new topic 'Bright lights, Big City.' I would like you to find out some facts about Big Ben for when we come back to school in January.
I hope you all have a restful and relaxing break.
Merry Christmas,
Miss Smith
Hello Year 1,
I hope you have enjoyed this week. It has been an extremely busy week with Breakfast with Santa and a Science day but I hope you all had lots of fun.
This week, we have been beginning to look at Tens and Ones in a number up to 20.
I would like you to play the game place-value-basketball to count numbers up to 20 using dienes.
Next week, we will not have RWInc lessons as we will be doing RE through English. Please can you make sure you are reading every evening for at least 15 minutes.
In class we have been learning about the Advent Wreath. I would like you to create a little prayer focus at home and ask your family to join you for a little prayer service. You may wish to write a little prayer for Graduate Sunday.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend and are ready for our last week of Term 1.
Miss Smith
Hello Year 1,
I hope you have enjoyed this week in school especially our Christmas Craft day. You will be able to take these items home either next week or the last week in school.
This week in maths, we have been looking at 2D and 3D shapes. I have set 2 different activities for you to do on mymaths.
I want you to read or listen to the Nativity story. You may want to listen to the story on Youtube. Please make sure you are reading every day for 15 minutes.
Please practise the following spellings
1. your
2. are
3. friend
4. said
5. school
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Smith
Hello Year 1,
This week has been a very busy week in school and I am extremely excited for next week as we have our Christmas craft day on Thursday!
For your maths homework this week, I would like you to practise your number bonds to 10 and if you are more than confident with all of those practise your number bonds to 20.
You could write out each equation for your number bonds or you could draw your part whole diagram. You may also wish to play the game 'Hit the button'. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button
Please ensure that you are reading every day for 15 minutes and practising the sounds sent home in your planner.
We are still really struggling with writing some of our numbers in words, so I have sent home a look, cover, write, check sheet home in your planner.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend,
Miss Smith
Week beginning 16.11.2020
Hello Year 1, I hope you have enjoyed your week in school. This week in school, we have been thinking about Anti-bullying week and standing united against bullying.
This week, we have been looking at Fact families. I would like you to continue practising this over the week by playing the following game number-fact-families.
I have sent home a look, cover, write, check sheet home in your planner for you to practise every day.
I want you to send me a picture of you reading somewhere unusual. Maybe it is somewhere in your garden, maybe in a den or up a tree. We are then going to display these in our classroom.
I can't wait to see them!
I hope you have a lovely weekend,
Miss Smith
Hello Year 1,
We have a very busy week this week. We have been learning about Remembrance day and we created Poppy's for our class display. We have also celebrated Diwali by creating Diva Lamps and learning lots of facts about how Hindus and Sikhs celebrate the day.
You will have also received a Purple Get writing Read Write Inc book in your book bag this week. Please do not worry about completing this book, I have only sent it home in case we have to close our Year group Bubble between now and Christmas.
For Homework this week, please complete the task set on the mymaths website.
Please ensure that you are reading every evening for at least 15 minutes.
Have a go at the game 'Odd and Bob' on phonicsbloom.
I want you to send me a picture of you reading somewhere unusual. Maybe it is somewhere in your garden, maybe in a den or up a tree. We are then going to display these in our classroom.
I can't wait to see them!
Miss Smith
Hello Year 1,
I hope you have enjoyed your first week back in school, you have all worked extremely hard and have been amazing!
This week, I want you to create your own number cards to 20.
This week, I would like you to have a look at the PowerPoint I have added below. remember the three rules.
1. Find the Special friends.
2. Sound out the word.
3. Say the whole word.
Practise the following red word spellings.
Hello Year One, a huge well done to all of you for all of your hard work this half term! I hope you have all enjoyed making junk model dinosaurs, looking at and creating our own fossils, going to Jasmin Fields and all of the other fun things we have done whilst working super hard!
For homework over half term please see below. If you have any issues please email me at Year1@stalbanrc.bham.sch.uk
Play the game 'Yes/no Yeti'
Practise your number bonds within 10.
e.g. how many number bonds can you find to the number 8?
can you say them off by heart ?
Do you know all your number bonds to 10? can you recall them?
Our season is slowly changing to Autumn. We can now see lots of brown and orange leaves all over the floor as they are blown off the trees by the wind.
This week, I want you to go on an Autumn hunt. What can you see around you? How do we know it's Autumn and no longer summer?
Collect some of the items you see on your walk and create a picture outside using these items.
Send me a picture of you on your walk and your fantastic art work.
Have fun and stay safe,
Miss Smith
Friday 16th October 2020
Please practise writing the words sent home on the sound sheets.
This week's sounds were oy, ou, ir and air.
If children wish to bring it in they will receive a sticker.
Please practise reading and spelling the following red words.
This week in maths, we have been focusing on number bonds.
Please play the game 'Robot Addition.'
Friday 9th October 2020
Hello Year One, I hope you enjoyed telling your families all about your Junk Model Dinosaurs.
This week in maths, we have been looking at part whole models. This week's homework is set on mymaths and is linked to what we have been doing in class. Please email me on Year1@stalbanrc.bham.sch.uk if you have any issues.
For this week's spellings, I am going to set numbers to 10. Next Friday, we will be having a little spelling test on these words.
0. Zero
1. One
2. Two
3. Three
4. Four
5. Five
6. Six
7. Seven
8. Eight
9. Nine
10. Ten
Please practise writing the following letters at home. Please try to encourage your child to write on the line of the paper and to start and finish in the correct place. If you are unsure of this, please email me.
a b c d e f g h
Children can bring this in to show me next week and in return for practising their handwriting they will get a sticker.
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Smith
Friday 2nd October 2020
Hello Year One, I hope you have all enjoyed finishing your Dinosaurs this week. As it was raining at the end of the day we decided not to send them home incase they got ruined in the rain, we hope to send these home on Monday.
This week in Maths, we have been focusing on ordering numbers. Using our key vocabulary, greatest and smallest. For this week's homework, I would like you to play the game Coconut ordering.
Using the special friends below
sh, th, ch, ng, nk, ay, ee, igh, ow, oo
and your initial sounds
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
I would like you to come up with some Alien names for the Alien.
You may also want to play the game Alien Escape on Phonics Bloom.
This week's spellings are below.
Friday 25th September 2020
Hello Year One, please find this week's homework linked below.
I have set you a new task on MyMaths. This week, we have been comparing numbers and objects and using our key vocabulary Greater than, Less than and is equal to. Your task this week links to what we have been learning about in class.
This week, have a go at 'DRAGON'S DEN' on Phonics Play.
For this week's spellings I would like you to learnt the first five numbers in words.
One Two Three four Five
Friday 18th September 2020
Good afternoon, Year one, I hope you have enjoyed your week in school. Some of you have started to create your junk model dinosaurs and the rest of you will make yours next week, so please do not worry if you have not started yours yet.
I have set you another task this week on MyMaths. You will have your username and password in your planner and I have also sent home a MyMaths letter explaining how to access the website.
This week, your task is on number facts and doubling numbers within 10.
This week, for phonics I would like you to have a go at the game 'Fishy Phonics' on Phonics Bloom. Please find the link below.
This week's spellings are
1. me
2. she
3. he
4. said
5. your
Friday 11th September 2020
Good afternoon Year 1, I hope you have all enjoyed your first full week in Year 1. You have all worked so hard and I am so proud of how grown up you have all been. Each week, I will add three different activities for your homework to this page. There will be a Phonics, Spelling and MyMaths activity.
This Year, we have introduced MyMaths to Year 1. You will have received an app message with the school MyMaths login, I have also sent home your own username and password in your planners. When you first Log in to the MyMaths website please input the school login and then when you get in to the website input your individual username and password.
This week, we are looking at counting. Please follow the link below for your activity. If you get stuck, please email me and I will try my best to help you.
This week in Read Write Inc, we have been looking at the sounds ay, ee, igh and ow. Please follow the link below to a game on Phonics play, select phase 3 and one of the sounds we have been looking at this week.
Each week, I will set 5 red word spellings. Please encourage your child to read and spell these words independently. Please find this week's below.
1. the
2. do
3. to
4. be
5. my
Friday 4th September 2020
This week I would like you to have a go at sequencing numbers. Below I have linked one of my favourite games for sequencing. If you want to challenge yourself have a go at the ordering game.