Headteacher Mrs McKinney Safeguarding and DSL, Catholic Life, School Improvement, Organisational Management, Performance Management (DHT and Phase leaders), Standards and Curriculum, English , Behaviour, Lead for Arts and Languages Faculty Pupil Voice -School Council
Deputy Headteacher Mrs Donnellan Safeguarding, Deputy DSL, Catholic Life, Assessment (Insight), Performance Management (Class teachers and Lunchtime supervisors), Teaching and Learning – Coaching, Behaviour, Kiva Programme, Curriculum (Spanish and Music), School of Sanctuary, Educational Visits, Website Pupil Voice -Anti-Bullying Ambassadors
KS2 Phase leader/ Lead for Humanities Faculty Class teacher Y5 Miss Ingram RE and Collective Worship, Safeguarding, Deputy DSL, Behaviour, PSHE, Performance Management (KS2 class teachers) Pupil Voice - Chaplaincy Team
SENCO – Inclusion / Lead for Maths, Science and Computing Faculty (3 days SENCO, Forest School Teacher) Mr Griffin Computing, Online Safety, Forest School, Live Simply, Performance Management (Teaching Assistants) Pupil Voice - Eco Council