Pupils are assessed every 6-8 weeks using the RWI assessment tracker. All children are grouped in terms of their phonics and reading ability. Feedback and next steps are made clear via reports to every group leader. Some children may need to revise and consolidate a set of sounds, whereas others are ready to move on. Crucially, every child reads books that are matched to their phonic knowledge which means that their everyday reading is tailored to their learning needs. In Year 1 children take part in the ‘Phonics Screening Check’, a national assessment where children are asked to read a variety of read words and pseudo words. RWI allows us to prepare the children fully for the check so that it is a successful and exciting experience for all. Raising achievement plans are put into place to ensure that any child that is below their expected reading age 'Keeps up and does not need catch up!'.
From Spring term in Y2, children are assessed termly using the National Test-style Standardised Assessments (NTS). This gives each child a reading age and is used diagnostically to ensure that any gaps in learning are addressed. Raising achievement plans are put into place to ensure that any child that is below their expected reading age 'keeps up and does not need catch up!' Pupils who are working below age related expectations for their year group are on a 'hotlist' of readers and have intervention at least three times per week if not daily.
All pupils writing is assessed formally each term. Teacher assessments of writing are moderated half -termly to ensure that staff judgements are accurate. Children in KS2 complete a long piece of writing every two-three weeks and this is marked thoroughly to ensure children understand how to improve.
Writing is moderated across local schools to ensure accuracy of assessments in EYFS, Y2 and Y6.