Meet our Year 6 House Captains for the Summer term.
All pupils are in one of four houses: St Andrew, St David, St George or St Patrick.
Each term, Year 6 have the opportunity to nominate themselves for the role of House Captain, delivering a speech to their house before voting commences, and a pair of House Captains for each house is elected.
Children are able to earn points for their house through good work and behaviour. Also, during the year there are various inter-house competitions involving sport and other activities. Each week the House Captains count up the points from each class and a weekly winner is announced.
The House Captains announce house points and birthdays in our weekly assembly, and help Mrs McKinney hand out stickers to children receiving certificates. They also share the Gospel during our Monday morning Gospel Assembly.
House Captains meet weekly to assign their roles for the week, and monthly to discuss ideas for House Team events. House Captains support the school by carrying different tasks throughout the term.
This term, the House Captains are looking forward to leading their house groups in Summer term events, such as Sports Day.