Dear Parents / Guardians
Firstly, we'd like to commend your children for the fantastic start they've made in Year 5! They have returned to school eager to learn and we are really enjoying teaching them.
In Year 5, homework and spellings will be set by Monday and due in by the following Monday. Spellings will also be tested on a Monday, giving children a full week to practise.
All English homework for the foreseeable future will be set on this page in order to minimise the amount of items travelling between home and school.
Maths homework will be set using MyMaths.
Children have a copy of our class novel to bring home to read (apart from a small number of children who have been given an alternative book). Reading is vital to your child's development, therefore if they do not bring home their book, they should read something from home. This should be noted in planners (children are able to do this themselves) and signed by you.
As well as this we would expect children to be accessing TTRS (Times tables rockstars) to practise times tables at least 3 times a week.
If you have any questions, please email us at
Mrs McGovern and Mr Griffin
Spellings w/c 14th September 2020
Words ending in -ible
terrible | possible |
sensible | visible |
legible | edible |
reversible | credible |
Homework Friday 11th September 2020
Please see the work set on
Please speak to Mr Griffin or Mrs McGovern if you need a reminder of your login details.
Spellings w/c 7th September 2020
Words with a silent b
thumb |
numb |
crumb |
debt |
doubt |
limb |
climb |
comb |
tomb |
Hello Year 5.
I hope you have enjoyed your first week back after the summer break - I know I have! I can tell we're going to have a great year together!
For your homework this week, I would like you to play 'hit the button' (link below). You could have a go at the mixed times tables game or if you want a challenge, try the square numbers button. Play a few times and try to beat your highest score. Let me know how you get on next week.
Take care,
Mr Griffin