
St Alban's Catholic Primary School

Following in the Footsteps of Jesus we love, live and learn together

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Recent Maths News: 


Christmaths Day at Bishop Challoner hosted by Students from Year 9 - 6th December 2024


Five pupils from Year 5 joined 10 other primary schools from the Tolkien Cluster to compete in some maths-based problems, supported by pupils from Year 9 at Bishop Challoner.


Activities included:

  • Answering maths questions to gain points to ‘buy’ parts of a snowman and having to decorate their snowman afterwards.
  • Playing an ‘elf’ game with teams trying to earn as many points as possible.
  • Playing ‘Maths Nevada’, a game of chance, to try to complete a maths relay game.
  • Playing countdown with incredible PowerPoint animation.


Our pupils had a wonderful, action-packed day and represented St. Alban's beautifully.  Well done! 

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