Read, Write Inc Phonics
At St Alban’s Primary School we follow Read Write Inc. (RWI) – a synthetic phonics programme which provides a systematic approach to teaching reading. The alphabetic code is taught first so that children learn to recognise and correctly pronounce the sounds that different letters or groups of letters make. Children then learn how to blend these sounds together in order to read words. The sessions use lively storybooks which are closely matched to the children’s knowledge of phonics contain words that they can confidently decode. This means that even early on, children experience plenty of success when reading.
From Reception through to Year 2 we deliver daily phonics and reading sessions. We stream the classes across KS1 so that the children are grouped according to ability. This means that they are reading at their own level, every day. Each group has a designated learning zone within the school with consistent teaching resources and displays. RWI Reading materials are clearly organised into bands and stored centrally for ease of access. Any child that has not reached the required level by the end of Year 2 will continue phonics into KS2. Any child that requires phonics intervention in years 5 and 6 will take part in the ‘Fresh Start’ programme.
Teaching Approach
All staff involved in the delivery of phonics and guided reading sessions (teachers and teaching assistants) receive training and support. This shared understanding of the RWI approach ensures that everyone is teaching as effectively and consistently as possible. Each session has a clear purpose, follows a structured plan and is part of a systematic approach towards teaching the 44 common sounds. Revision and consolidation are also vital to further embed the learning. A lively and fast-paced delivery keeps all children engaged and focused praise really does motivate them to learn. Fun, bright and child-friendly resources accompany each lesson which helps to promote enjoyment of reading.