
St Alban's Catholic Primary School

Following in the Footsteps of Jesus we love, live and learn together

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Home Reading KS2

Once our children can read confidently we ensure they read a range of books from a variety of authors. We want them to love reading, so although we guide their choices, we believe that every child should experience the joy of reading, which means finding the right book for the right child at the right time.


KS2 children who are reading below their age related expectations (ARE) continue to progress through the RWI home reading scheme and are sent home books for reading accordingly. In Y5 and Y6 'Fresh Start' provide high interest, low reading age texts.


Those who are just below ARE progress through our 'Little Gems' reading books. Children who are reading within ARE and above select books from their class library that have been ability banded to ensure they are given the opportunity to consolidate learning and further progress.


We have a school library that facilitates reading for pleasure. Classes are timetabled for fortnightly visits with their class teacher where suitability can be checked to ensure children select books that will enhance their desire to become an all-round reader and remain interested in literature.

Book Recommendations By Year 
