Year 3
The children are rewarded for many positive behaviours during the school day. They receive stickers and house points for listening skills, kindness and attitude to learning. We have a prize draw each day and if children are displaying positive behaviour, their name is put in the draw. At the end of the day, we roll the dice to see how many children receive a reward.
We use a pompom jar to award children for consistently following our three school rules and demonstrating our Gospel Virtues. At the end of a half-term children choose their class reward.
Each table works together to become 'Top Popstars.' The table who reaches the top first will receive a prize. On a Friday, if all tables reach the top, children win a Friday treat.
Year 4
In Year 4, we use a weekly raffle and milkshake Friday to reward children for consistently following our three school rules and demonstrating our Gospel Virtues. Stamps, stickers and verbal praise are also awarded for listening, being helpful, showing perseverance and determination in lessons and caring for our friends, in addition to any behaviour that promotes our school mission statement. We run a half-termly pompom jar, that children work together to fill. The children decide on a reward and we vote. Once the jar is full, we spend an afternoon enjoying the reward they voted for. This half-term, we are working towards a teacher takeover afternoon.
Year 5
In Year Five we are rewarded daily for being ready, safe and respectful with house points, stickers, stamps and special certificates from Miss Ingram. We are always looking for children who are enthusiastic learners that resilient when facing new challenges!
Class reward: Links of Kindness
When Year 5 pupils show acts of kindness to other children and adults, we add a link to our chain. When the chain reaches the floor, Miss Ingram will reward Year 5 with a treat! We are currently working towards watching a film.
Year 6
The children in Year Six are rewarded daily for exemplary behaviour and a conscientious attitude with house points, stamps and stickers in their books. We are always looking for children who have followed our three school rules and been true role models for the younger children to follow.
Year 6 also work together to earn daily ice-creams. When they have filled the ice-cream chart they receive a whole class treat or reward of their choice, such as extra break time, some time watching a movie (maybe with snacks!), or the chance to spend some time helping and playing with children in KS1.