12.4.2023 Revision of KS2 spelling rules Pack sent home Please contact the Y6 email details. | ||
15.3.2024 Plural nouns potatoes echoes heroes loaves thieves bookshelves mosquitoes buffaloes geese deer | 8.3.2024 Y5/6 words government conscience existence twelfth conscious environment parliament shoulder soldier signature | 1.3.2024 -ible and –able visible |
23.2.2024 Hyphenated words co-operate | 2.2.2024 ei and ie ceiling | 26.1.2024 Silent Letters autumn solemn gnome knowledgeable island guide guess column gnarled |
19.1.2024 Y5/6 Spellings leisure | 15.1.2024 Near homophones/ words often confused advice | 22.12.2023 sh spelt si or ssi expansion comprehension tension permission admission profession possession discussion collision pronunciation |
15.12.2023 Autumn Term Recap controversy thoroughly appreciate immediately rhythm mysterious achievement precede beautifully definitely | 8.12.2023 Y5/6 words guarantee queue vehicle mischievous foreign bargain amateur hindrance interfere relevant | 1.12.2023 sh spelt ti or ci direction explanation cautious competition appreciate especially ancient delicious definite sincerely |
24.11.2023 change y to i before adding cries tries reliable replied mysterious beautifully business applied apparently opportunity | 17.11.2023 adding suffix beginning consonant beginning admittance stoppable permitting preferred regrettable referring committed correspond profession | 10.11.2023 Homophones principal principle bridal bridle proceed precede weary wary parliament appreciate |
26.10.2023 adding suffixes beginning with a consonant government achievement thoroughly beautiful powerful deceitful leisurely definitely rhythm sacrifice | 20.10.2023 Double Letters communicate community committee harass occur occupy programme recommend immediately marvellous | 6.10.2023/13.10.23 Year 5/6 spellings conscience controversy desperate disastrous foreign frequently guarantee mischievous persuade sufficient |
29.9.2023 Adding suffixes observant persuaded appreciating creation famous confiding sensible grizzly communicate community | 22.9.2023 Letter string –ough achieve borough plough thoroughly drought bough although doughnut thought amateur | 15.9.2023 Adding suffixes lightest sweetest shouted floated yawning sprinting loudly proudly accommodate accompany |