
St Alban's Catholic Primary School

Following in the Footsteps of Jesus we love, live and learn together

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Daily Reading: Please read with your child daily.  Your child's reading books match their reading ability and support the book that they are reading in their Read Write Inc. lessons.  Along with two reading books, your child will also choose a book that they wish to take home.  This might be a book that you may need to support them with.  Please use your child’s planner to comment on their reading and sign daily.


Numbots: The purpose of Numbots is to develop fluency of number recognition and number bonds.  Please encourage your child to log on at least two time per week for 10 minutes.  You can find your child's password in the back of their planner. 


TTRockstars: The purpose of TT Rockstars is to develop fluency and accuracy of times tables.  Passwords to be given later in the year.


Spellings: Spellings will be given out every Friday.  They are linked to the RWInc. groups and match the sound that they have been learning that week.


Homework Book Project:  The purpose of our Homework Project Book is to give pupils the opportunity to be creative and develop different skills like researching, experimenting and designing.  Although we appreciate your support, we ask that this project completed by your child as much as possible.  This homework is showcased in class with peers, once it has been returned. (3 weeks to complete)


Fantastic efforts are sent to Mrs McKinney and Mrs Donnellan for praise.
