
St Alban's Catholic Primary School

Following in the Footsteps of Jesus we love, live and learn together

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Charitable Outreach

Throughout the year we think about ways we can raise money as a whole school community for those who are less fortunate than ourselves. During Lent and Advent classes choose charities they would like to support. We think of ways that we can help others, putting Catholic Social Teaching principles into action. 


We want our children to learn about those in need in our local area by supporting local food banks, the annual toy appeal and also our local elderly and homeless projects.


We also ensure that children understand the difference they can make to their global neighbours through the work of charities such as CAFOD and the Rwanda Project through the Catholic Primary Partnership. 

CAFOD Family Fast Day 

Thank you to parents who were able to join us for the CAFOD family fast day and for their generous donations. Year 5 and 6 stood in solidarity with those facing food shortages.

St Chad's

Advent Charity

We delivered 94 bags of toiletries!

The Choir visited the elderly in Tandy Court.
