Pupils at St. Alban's are taught an engaging and faith-filled Religious Education curriculum. It is our aim that the children are filled with knowledge, understanding and skills so that they can reflect spiritually and are empathetic to others.
We ensure that pupils are fully supported on their faith journey through:
Religious Education ensures coverage of the following aspects of religious literacy:
Pope John Paul II said ''In order that the Catholic school and the Catholic teachers may truly make their irreplaceable contribution to the Church and to the world, the goal of Catholic education itself must be crystal clear. Beloved sons and daughters of the Catholic Church, brothers and sisters in the faith: Catholic education is above all a question of communicating Christ, of helping to form Christ in the lives of others.''
At the Baptism of their children, parents promise to bring them up in the practice of the faith by loving God and their neighbour. The Church assists them in fulfilling this solemn commitment in two ways, by providing catechesis in our parishes and by establishing Catholic schools.
'Christ at the Centre' by Mgr Marcus Stock states:
Jesus Christ is “the way, the truth and the life”. Those who profess this faith believe that in Christ the truth about Almighty God and the truth about the human person is revealed. The unfolding of this truth constitutes the Church’s teaching. The acceptance of this truth brings true freedom and the fullness of life. Proclaiming this truth, this Gospel (Good News), by making Christ known to all peoples, constitutes the mission of the Church. The first key reason why Catholic schools are established, then, is to be part of the Church’s mission in education, to place Christ and the teaching of the Catholic Church at the centre of people’s lives. “Education is integral to the mission of the Church to proclaim the Good News. First and foremost every Catholic educational institution is a place to encounter the living God who in Jesus Christ reveals his transforming love and truth.” This evangelising mission is exercised through the diverse interaction of Catholic schools with their local parishes, families, societies and cultures they serve.
Learning and Growing as the People of God