
St Alban's Catholic Primary School

Following in the Footsteps of Jesus we love, live and learn together

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W       Class teachers for the new academic year 2020-2021.




Teaching Assistant / Learning Mentor Support


Mrs Darbinson


Miss Knowles and Mrs Jones



Miss Smith

Mrs Rabone


Miss Price


Miss Knowles


Mrs McLynn  and Miss Doherty


Mrs Drury


Miss Ffinch


Mrs Drury


Mrs McGovern + Mr Griffin


Mrs Henry



Miss Ingram

Mrs Henry


Transition Zoom Meetings - Friday 10th and Friday 17th July


As part of the children's transition to their new classes, two zoom meetings will be held with their new teachers on Friday 10th July and Friday 17th July.


The meetings will last approximately 20 to 25 minutes which will hopefully mean that siblings will be able to attend their meetings.


9.30am Current Y3 moving to Y4 with Miss Ffinch

10.30am Current Y1 moving to Y2 with Miss Price

10.30am New Reception Group A- Mrs Darbinson

11.00am Current Y5 moving to Y6 - Miss Ingram

11.30am New Reception Group B- Mrs Darbinson

12.00pm Current Reception moving to Y1 - Miss Smith

12.30pm Current Y4 moving to Y5- Mrs McGovern and Mr Griffin

1.30pm Current Y2 moving to Y3 - Mrs McLynn and Miss Doherty




New Reception Children - September 2020

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We are really looking forward to the arrival of our new Reception children and families. Please see our Reception Class Playlist in our Video Resource Centre by clicking on the tab 'Our Children' and scrolling down to our 'Video Resource Centre.' There you will see future induction clips.'

Miss Smith Year 1

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Miss Price Year 2

Still image for this video

Miss Doherty Year 3

Still image for this video

Miss FFinch Year 4

Still image for this video

Mrs McGovern and Mr Griffin Year 5

Still image for this video