
St Alban's Catholic Primary School

Following in the Footsteps of Jesus we love, live and learn together

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Home Reading EYFS and KS1

Children are heard reading independently by an adult on a regular basis and books are changed weekly.


The children in KS1 are taught to read a RWI ability banded book in their RWI lesson. This involves the recognition of 44+ phonemes. Strategies are used to enable them to use the phoneme they recognise to decode and blend words for reading. They are also introduced to, and taught to read tricky words (red words) that are not decodable on sight. The expectation is that they will combine these skills to read phonetically plausible books that are matched to their ability. As part of a 3 or 5 day plan the children will be encouraged to read aloud with a readers’ voice, something that has been modelled to them by their teacher and peers. On the third day the book they have studied in class is sent home. As well as this, the children will take home two phonetically plausible books matched to their ability that are considered to be an unseen text.


Through RWI, children work their way through the stages according to their ability, progressing to reading literature of their choice (checked for suitability by an adult) some in the Spring Term in Year 2 or earlier. 


