
St Alban's Catholic Primary School

Following in the Footsteps of Jesus we love, live and learn together

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Preparing for Easter during Holy Week
We would like you to prepare for Easter at home by selecting activities to complete for Holy Week.


  • Enjoy watching Mass online with your family.
  • Make Easter cards for your family and neighbours.
  • Watch ‘The Story of Jesus’ -
  •  Design a poster to display in you window, to teach your neighbours about Holy Week. Include pictures of Palm Sunday, The Last Supper, Good Friday and Easter Sunday (When Jesus rises from the dead).
  • Make a cross out of lollipop sticks, twigs, paper or straws and use it to pray to God, to give thanks for Jesus.
  • Draw a cartoon strip and write a sentence about each event of Holy week.
  • Pray together with your family. Say sorry for the times you have done wrong and give thanks for the special people in your life.
  • Draw a picture of the Last Supper with Jesus and his disciples. How many people were there? How do you think the disciples felt? How would you have felt eating with Jesus?