
St Alban's Catholic Primary School

Following in the Footsteps of Jesus we love, live and learn together

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In September, our new Reception Children join us! 

The Beginning of a New School Year 



St Therese of Lisieux- Little Way Week


Little Way Week is inspired by St Thérèse of Lisieux, patron of mission. As a child St Thérèse dreamed of being a missionary. With age she understood that very few of us are called to make big and radical gestures, but that through small, loving actions we too can deliver God’s love to the world.

Aged seven, Thérèse joined The Society of the Holy Childhood, known to us now as Mission Together. It was as a member of the Holy Childhood that Thérèse grew in faith and admiration for the work of the missionaries. Our five fact assembly teaches children about St Thérèse and encourages them to follow her ‘Little Way’.



