
St Alban's Catholic Primary School

Following in the Footsteps of Jesus we love, live and learn together

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Parent engagement

Effective communication is at the heart of an effective school. We cannot stress how important it is for us all to be able to communicate in an open, honest but respectful and non-threatening manner. We all have a shared, common purpose – ensuring the very best for every pupil. We communicate with parents through planners, the school app, the website and the weekly newsletter. 


A senior member of staff will be on duty on a daily basis from 8:45am to 9:00am and again from 3:10pm to 3:20pm. Our Pastoral Lead (Mrs Doherty) is also available at the both the beginning and end of the school day from Tuesday-Friday. We will hold a range of workshops to enable parents to support their child's learning journey, this will include phonics, maths, prayer and reading. 

Throughout the year we hold phonics, reading and maths workshops. 

Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1Summer 2 

September - Welcome Service for children and parents.


October - Phonics Workshop


October - Parents evening


December - Nativity Performance 





January/February - Parent reading sessions 


February - Maths workshop


Lent - Stay and Pray service 





Mothers day assembly 


Parents evening 








May - Phonics workshop











Fathers day assembly 


Graduation assembly 








