
St Alban's Catholic Primary School

Following in the Footsteps of Jesus we love, live and learn together

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Summer Term 2021

Welcome to Mexico. Get ready to explore this unique country, from its towering temples and stunning geography to its pulsing rhythms and fun festivals. Is your tummy rumbling? Concoct a traditional fruit cocktail or a delicious Mexican meal. What’s on your shopping list? Go steady with the spices. Discover the mysterious world of the ancient Mayan civilisation. Make their chocolate, learn their poetry, play their ball game and follow all of their curious rituals. Just try to keep your head. Feel like celebrating? Design a flute, grab a drum, join a tribe and make some noise. Have you got what it takes to be chief? 

A siren sounds and a Spitfire zooms overhead! It’s 1939 and Britain is at war.

This term, we will imagine what it was like to be evacuated and live with a family other than our own. Using different source materials, we will learn about evacuation and write letters to our families ‘back home’. We will plot the Second World War’s events on a timeline and learn about rationing, Pearl Harbour and the Battle of Britain.


From a range of maps, we will identify safe and dangerous places during the war and make persuasive posters to support the war effort. After reading an extract from The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank, we will write our own diaries. From a range of sources, we will find out about children and school during the war and learn about discrimination that existed at the time. We will learn about what it was like during the Blitz and think about how soldiers might have felt. In D&T, we will make Anderson shelters and prepare delicious wartime food.


At the end of our topic, we will reflect on Winston Churchill’s stirring speeches and write our own. In music lessons, we will compose and perform wartime songs and create a presentation to show what we have learned.


Help your child prepare for their project
We’ll meet again! Why not visit a local museum together to investigate how the Second World War affected your local area? You could also read an exciting fiction book set during the war. Alternatively, you could ‘make do and mend’, working together to create a model inspired by the Second World War from recycled materials or unwanted household items.

Our 'Frozen Kingdom' topic teaches the children about the characteristics and features of polar regions, including the North and South Poles, and includes a detailed exploration of the environmental factors that shape and influence them.


Read through the information on the 'Frozen kingdom' knowledge organiser.  It is a brilliant resource to study key facts, essential knowledge and provides definitions for specific vocabulary related to our topic.  
