
St Alban's Catholic Primary School

Following in the Footsteps of Jesus we love, live and learn together

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Week 7 (22.02.2021)

Hello Year 1, 


Welcome back, I hope you had a lovely half term! I can't wait for you all to tell me about your half term adventures. 


I have lots planned for you this week including building your very own Big Ben on Tuesday! This week, we will be looking at the story book 'Coming to England' By Florella Benjamin. I have added some extra activities below which link to this amazing book. 


I will see you all on zoom at 9:15am. 


Stay safe,

Miss Smith 

Activities linked to the story book 


'Coming to England' by Florella Benjamin



  • Learn the National Anthem 
  • Find Trinidad on a map and research the Island.
  • Create your own Paper Mache globe. 
  • Research the animals that live on the Island. 
  • Create a piece of art work based on one of the images in the book or an animal you have researched. 
  • Go on a walk and pick up a range of leaves. Create an image using these. 