Hello Year 6!
You have completed your first half term in Year 6 - well done! You are beginning to show yourselves as true role models at St Alban's.
Your homework this half term:
You should complete the SATs style maths questions I have uploaded below. You can complete them on a device and email your answers to me, or complete on paper and hand it in when we return to school.
Now hopefully some slightly more fun tasks. The Year 6 St Alban's 42 challenge for this half term is to follow a basic cake recipe and bake a cake for under £2.
I would like you to find a recipe, gather your ingredients and get baking! Maybe you could get members of your family involved. Make sure you keep safe around cooking equipment. Don't forget to send me some photos of you baking and your delicious cakes.
Finally, Steve McCabe a local MP would like Year 6 children to design his Christmas card this year. He is holding a competition to find the winning design. He would like the theme of the card to be "What Christmas means to me"
The winner will have their card design sent to hundreds of people around the country, and there are prizes for the winner and runners up!
The template for your design is included below. These should be returned to school no later than Wednesday 2nd November to be included in the competition.
Have a wonderful half term holiday!
Best wishes,
Miss Price