
St Alban's Catholic Primary School

Following in the Footsteps of Jesus we love, live and learn together

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Dear Parent(s),


This book is your child’s home/school spelling book.  Each Wednesday they will be receive 10 spellings to practise over the course of the week.  Your child must bring their spelling book into school with them every Wednesday in order to complete their spelling test in the back of their book.  As parents, you will then be able to see how they scored in their test and then continue to practise tricky words at home if necessary.


Each week, the 10 spellings will consist of 8 spellings taken from our Read Write Inc. Spelling program (the accompanying spelling rule will also be provided) and two common exception words or subject specific words for that week.


If you would like any further details on how to support your child with their spelling, please do not hesitate to contact us at


Thank you for your continued support.


Kind regards


Mrs Jones and Miss Doherty

Read Write Inc. Spelling Sound Chart
