Weekly Homework
Reading: Your child should be reading daily. They should record the book and the page numbers they have read in their planner, as well as any challenging or unfamiliar words. Please ensure you are checking and signing your child's planner. Planners will be checked weekly in school.
Times Table Rock Stars: Your child should be practising their times tables several times per week. Rapid recall of multiplication and division facts will contribute to their confidence and success in maths.
Spelling: Children will stick or write their new spellings into their yellow spelling books each Friday. They will be tested on their spellings the following Friday.
Maths: Pages will be set in the maths CGP book weekly. These will be marked in school.
Homework Projects
A new homework project will be set each half term in homework books.
Useful websites:
Use these website to practise your maths skills:
CGP - 3 free 10 minute tests
TopMarks - Hit the Button and other interactive games
IXL maths - Interactive maths activities, with worked examples if needed (limited free questions each day)
Use these websites to practise your English skills:
CGP - 3 free 10 minute tests
BBC Bitesize - (Spelling, punctuation and grammar activities, reading activities, writing activities)
TopMarks - Spelling games
IXL English - vocabulary, reading, writing and grammar activities (limited free questions each day)