
St Alban's Catholic Primary School

Following in the Footsteps of Jesus we love, live and learn together

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Refugee Weeks

Refugee Week - 20th-26th June 2022


St Alban's celebrated Refugee Week and enjoyed exploring the theme of 'Healing.' 


Healing means recovering from a painful experience or situation, so that we can continue to live. No-one understands this better than those who have lost their homes and had to build new lives from scratch. We have much to learn from refugees about holding onto hope when going on seems impossible – as well as about how art, creativity and community can help us to heal.  Those going through the asylum system also know that healing is an ongoing process, made harder by poverty, housing difficulties and the threat of being detained or deported. Asking for change, so that refugees can truly feel safe, is an act of care.


Our children at St Alban's immersed themselves in Refugee Week by;


- leading special prayer services in class where they prayed for refugees and asylum seekers all over the world including those who have joined our own school community,

- demonstrating their creative writing skills through the books they explored,

-making kites to fly, a popular Afghan tradition, as a symbol of all those whose lives have been torn apart by war, persecution or natural disaster. The kites were a message of hope and freedom,

-Year 5 went to Birmingham City Centre to see Little Amal, an international symbol of human rights who represents millions of refugee children.

Kite making and kite running...

Let us pray...

Creative writing...

Little Amal's Visit to Birmingham
